Senin, 11 Mei 2009


Philosophy Muhammadiya EDUCATION:

Overview and History Praksis

Mohamad Ali dan Marpuji Ali

Prof. M. Yunan Yusuf, Chairman of the Majlis of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) Muhammadiya Center 2000-2005 period, acapkali orbit discourse "Robohnya School Muhammadiya" to describe how the low average quality and the quality of the Muhammadiyah school. Muhammadiyah Kritisi on education also appear in connection with not tercerminnya Islamic values in the behavior of the school, has not succeeded in pressing educational costs up to the limit bargains, has not been able to create a representative of Islamic culture, have lost their identity, and more cooperative with the press. Many of these critics is not enough just to recast the curriculum, increasing teacher salaries, school building or pengucuran funds. To menyahuti and the problem-the problem must have the courage to dismantle the root of the problems that indeed, that is not available because the orientation of philosophy of education Muhammadiyah and theories of modern education and Islamic. Because sometimes kependidikan sectors of a nation or a people is not caused mainly by the infrastructure of support, but by the concept of mendasarinya.

Minggu, 26 April 2009

Universities and the release Education

Mansour Fakih in any posts on the book pengantarnya Top Pandidikan: Building Critical Consciousness (2001), in the view that the prospective critical, making the task of education is critical reflection, to the system and the "dominant ideology" of the force in the community, and challenging the system to think alternative system to the social transformation towards an equitable society. This task, go Fakih, dimanifetasikan in the form of the ability to create space to appear critical attitude towards the system and structure of social inequities, and perform dekonstruksi against the dominant diskursus and unjust social system towards a more fair. Fakih thought of the consequences is that, education does not and probably can not be neutral, objective and "detachment" from the condition of the community.

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

Tips For Effective Learning

It is important to find effective learning strategies that will work for you. Different person have different ways of making their learning more effective.
Here are some common techniques that can be used as a reference to promote active and effective learning:
1. From a Textbook, Reference Book or Other Written Material
- Read the material at an environment that you feel comfortable and can have total focus.
- Pause after each paragraph to make sure you understand everything you have read.
- Highlight the main ideas, either on a piece of paper, in the book, or in your mind.
- Make short concise notes in your own words.
- Read out loud and clear.

Kamis, 09 April 2009

Tips For Being an Effective Coach - Great Leaders to be Great Teachers

We can shape the leaders of tomorrow by teaching them today.
People who are effective in influencing others have the ability to communicate effectively and have the ability to teach effectively. This essentially means that good leaders have the ability to communicate and teach. There is a chance that a person may be able to teach yet not lead, but a person who leads successfully also teaches successfully.
In order to ensure that people at every level understand the priorities of the moment, you need to simply teach them. In this way, they can be developed into leaders of tomorrow.
Following are some tips that will help us to become better leaders, as such better teachers:

Motivation For Students to Achieve Academic Success

Motivation has been identified as a very important factor to achieve work excellence and career success for adults. We have heard of some many motivational seminars and workshops from those motivational gurus, that helped shaped the success of many individuals and corporations.

It has been clearly identified by many that motivation itself will determine the how successful a person is in his or her life, be it career, relationships or health.

I would like to emphasize that with no exception, motivation and inspiration is a primary factor in shaping the success in childrens' studies. Children are our champions of the future, and education and academic success will largely determine how well they can contribute towards the society.

Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

Tips For Effective Learning

It is important to find effective learning strategies that will work for you. Different person have different ways of making their learning more effective.

Here are some common techniques that can be used as a reference to promote active and effective learning:
1. From a Textbook, Reference Book or Other Written Material
- Read the material at an environment that you feel comfortable and can have total focus.
- Pause after each paragraph to make sure you understand everything you have read.
- Highlight the main ideas, either on a piece of paper, in the book, or in your mind.
- Make short concise notes in your own words.
- Read out loud and clear.

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

How to Improve Spoken English?

Who requires spoken English courses?
Most people who have done their schooling from remote corners of the world in some rural areas or have completed their studies with the local language as first paper do not have the basic knowledge in English. They require English when they are at the peak of their career (some people do exorbitantly well in their exams and they find jobs in various multinational companies which are mainly located in the United States).
For them learning English as a spoken language is extremely essential. For students also this language is vital, especially for the students who go abroad and stay there for studying. Some students go aboard after completing their schooling. They need to learn the language very well. But more than it is seen that they are not so well versed in English. Therefore they require the help of the online schools and institutions for getting a fair idea on the language.

What Are the Qualities of a Good Teacher?

The word 'good' can have quite a few interpretations. For the purpose of this blog post, it is assumed that "good" here means "Effective", that is, a teacher can impart his knowledge and whatever other values it is his responsibility to spread to his charges. It is also assumed that the teacher under discussion is one who teaches secondary school and/or junior college.

First of all, a teacher must know his profession thoroughly. He must know his subject for beyond the point he intends to teach. He needs to be an expert in his field. For example, if he is teaching chemistry, he should know all the chemistry-related fields and careers out there. He should also need to be able to relate how Chemistry is related to our everyday life, and not some abstract concepts and theories. The teacher needs to translate those abstract concepts and turn them into interesting things that the students can relate in their everyday life. It is only in this way, he can then make cross references and answer all the questions that arise in the minds of his students.

Teacher's Salary - 7 Mistakes We All Make

As a teacher, we have it pretty much made. If our classes are good, it's pretty smooth sailing. Your job is relatively secure, you get paid every two weeks and during the summer holidays, and you do not have to work any ridiculous hours. The problem is that this leads us to fall into the comfort zone. This zone is ok if we never want to make more than our current teacher salary. If we are looking for more we have to make sure we do not make these 7 mistakes.

My Best Tip on How to Study For Finals

Completing the final exam can be a huge relief or a huge burden depending on how you think you did. Learning tips on how to study for finals will help you to be better prepared for taking the final exam. This article will provide my number one tip that will help you in school, business and life in general. It took me a long time to find it but when I did it made all the difference.

My number one tip that I can tell you is to find out what motivates you. People who are stuck in a rut, spinning their wheels or whatever other metaphor you want to use, do so generally because of a lack of a direction. I was a classic open and close case for this and always wondered what I was doing wrong in life. Finally, it hit me one day that everything in life is tied to motivation and a desire to achieve what you want.
If you want to achieve success in school, learn new study techniques and put in the time to study and you will find that good grades are not such a challenge. If you want to achieve success in the business world, on the golf course or just in your personal life motivation is the key that will deliver that success. Motivation is not automatic and many people have to work at developing that motivation. That is why you have to find what motivates you and let that be the vehicle that drives you to success.

Students who want to be better students and perform to a higher standard on tests and exams must be motivated to want to change and learn new study habits and techniques. I have written a ton of articles on study tips and suggestions on how to become a better student. However, all the study tips and suggestions in world will not help you unless your motivated to change. So find what motivates you and run with it.

I used my motivation to become a better student by learning how to study for a final exam effectively and how to increase my study speed. Motivation will help you become a better student guaranteed but you have to find it and use it. As mentioned before becoming a better student is learning how to increase your study speed. A website you can go to to learn the benefits of speed studying is here Imagine how well of a test taker you will be when you can study twice the material in half the time. My motivation was because I had more time to focus on other things. There are many benefits to using this method of studying. I used this method and was able to finish my undergrad in 3 and half years and currently I carry a 3.79 in my MBA program. If you want to be a better student follow these tips and check the website out you won't regret it. Article Source:

Want a Better School Year? - It's About Relationships

Forget curriculum. Forget better classroom management programs. Start looking at how you teach and the relationships you have with your students.

As an Empowered Teacher, you need to balance two things masterfully. You must balance important, meaningful relationships with your students with high expectations for them to do competent work. It is not only possible to have both; it is imperative.

As Dr. William Glasser says, "What people fight or resist is control; not education; not relationships." As an Empowered Teacher, you know the teachers you worked your hardest for were the ones you liked and who held you accountable for stretching and growing.