Senin, 11 Mei 2009


Philosophy Muhammadiya EDUCATION:

Overview and History Praksis

Mohamad Ali dan Marpuji Ali

Prof. M. Yunan Yusuf, Chairman of the Majlis of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) Muhammadiya Center 2000-2005 period, acapkali orbit discourse "Robohnya School Muhammadiya" to describe how the low average quality and the quality of the Muhammadiyah school. Muhammadiyah Kritisi on education also appear in connection with not tercerminnya Islamic values in the behavior of the school, has not succeeded in pressing educational costs up to the limit bargains, has not been able to create a representative of Islamic culture, have lost their identity, and more cooperative with the press. Many of these critics is not enough just to recast the curriculum, increasing teacher salaries, school building or pengucuran funds. To menyahuti and the problem-the problem must have the courage to dismantle the root of the problems that indeed, that is not available because the orientation of philosophy of education Muhammadiyah and theories of modern education and Islamic. Because sometimes kependidikan sectors of a nation or a people is not caused mainly by the infrastructure of support, but by the concept of mendasarinya.

In the age of Muhammadiyah a century with a number of educational institutions ranging from Preschool up to thousands of universities, which is a strange Muhammadiya not have the philosophy of education. How might work hurly-burly of education without a guide aspiration of clear? Apatah when associated with the establishment in order to educate future generations. The absence penjabaran philosophy of education is, by Mahsun Suyuthi, is the main source of problems in education in Muhammadiyah. Rusli Karim menengarai fact that the philosophical orientation of this vacuum is responsible for the follow penajaman dikotomi between "religious sciences" and "common knowledge", which in turn will be delivered the next generation of berkepribadian ganda that does not close the possibility of giving birth, there would be "the enemy" in a blanket . Thus, it is high time to try to hasten the emergence of a menjajagi possible alternative formulations Muhammadiyah education initiative as a new way of education meniti Muhammadiyah. States that education has not yet Muhammadiya philosophical formulation does not mean there is not at all towards the talks. Reports of seminars national philosophy of education Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah Majlis Dikdasmen Center, has begun discussion of the offensive philosophy of education Muhammadiyah, especially any posts A. Syafii Maarif, entitled "Education of Muhammadiyah, philosophical and normative aspects." Consistent with the theme, Maarif only the results of the official decision of Muhammadiyah (the normative) and the philosophical orientation of ulul albab. Similarly, books and edits Yunahar Ilyas Muhammad Azhar Persepektif entitled Education in Al-Qur'an written by prominent leaders of Muhammadiyah, tried mengelaborasi concepts of education in Al-Qur'an mendialogkan revelation and with the development of theories of education up to date. The paper should be considered the last book is a paradigm Muslim Intellectual: The Philosophy and Islamic Education Dakwah Abdul Munir Mulkhan paper, a Muhammadiyah activists. According to him, jamming kemandegan intellectualism Islam and science and technology in the Muslim world as a result of the kind of "scientific ideology" that reject any that are not derived from Islam.

This article carefully akan try to find an alternative philosophy of education and Muhammadiyah merumuskannya at praksis, at the education curriculum. To move toward that, the first will be problematika formulation of Islamic philosophy of education as a large umbrella Muhammadiya education. Second, tracking the key ideas and education praksis Kyai Ahmad Dahlan who have a period of decline integraslistik education. Third, the possibility menjajagi nation as point of departure formulation Muhammadiyah education philosophy, and then closed with a reflection.

Philosophy and believed held by Muhammadiyah is based on the Islamic religion, then as a consequence logic, Muhammadiyah and the next attempt melandaskan philosophy on education Muhammadiya principles and philosophy that believed dianutnya. Philosophy of education memanifestasikan views about the future generation that will be returned. In this regard, philosophy of education can not be released Muhammadiyah's educational philosophy of Islam, because that is done by Muhammadiyah in fact is the principles of the Islamic Muhammadiyah footing the basis for the establishment of Muslim men. Therefore, before analyzing orientation philosophy Muhammadiyah education need to browse the basic philosophy of education initiated by the Islamic thinkers and practitioners of Islamic education.

Islamic philosophy of education discuss the philosophy of education have the character of Islam, which contains the contemplation contemplation about what Islam is indeed education and how education efforts carried out so successfully in accordance with the laws of Islam. Mohd. Labib Al-Najihi, as quoted Mohammad Omar Al-Toumy Al-Syaibany, understand the philosophy of education as a regular activity of mind philosophy makes it as a way to manage, coordinate and integrate the education process. A philosophy of education based on Islam are not the views of basic education that bersumberkan teachings of Islam and the orientation based on the teachings of the imagination. With other words, Islamic philosophy of education is an analysis of rational thought or done in a critical, radical, systematic and metodologis to gain knowledge about the true Islamic education.

Al-Syaibany menandaskan that Islamic philosophy of education must contain the elements and conditions as follows: (1) in all the principles, beliefs and abortion in accordance with the ruh (spirit) of Islam, (2) related to community and cultural realities and social system , economic, and political, (3) are open to all a good experience (wisdom); (4) built according to the depth of attention to the aspects of the compass; (5) with a universal scientific standards; (6) selective, selected that are important and in accordance with Islam ruh; (7) free from disagreement and persanggahan between principles and beliefs that are essentially, and (8) the experiment is seriously thinking of a sound education, profound and clear.

The object of the study Islamic philosophy of education, according to Abdul Munir Mulkhan, can be divided into two types of object that is material and formal object. Material objects Islamic philosophy of education is the basic material is reviewed and analyzed, while the object is a formal approach or perspective is the basis of the material. Therefore, material objects Islamic philosophy of education is all things relating to the business people to consciously create the conditions that give the opportunity of the intellect, knowledge and personality or character of students through education. While the formal object is a special aspect of the business people that is conscious of the creation of conditions that provide opportunities for the development of intellect, knowledge and personality so that students have the ability to undergo and complete the problems with putting his life as hudan Islam and furqan. As stated Arifin, philosophy of education that Islam is a science that extension is still in the beginning of the development of education as a scholarly discipline. Similarly sistematikanya, Islamic philosophy of education is still in the process of regulation that will be the compass for teorisasi Islamic education. Then, when philosophy of education draws Muhammadiyah or equal to the Islamic philosophy of education was still create problems, because he was still vulnerable and not as sturdy called for a new discipline. At this point, the orientation of Muhammadiyah education philosophy that can enrich and strengthen the position of Islam's philosophy of education.

Although the theme of education Muhammadiya get enough attention from the serious history of education pengkaji Indonesia, but so far there is no one paper also shows how the model is actually a philosophy of education developed by Muhammadiyah. To move to the direction that can be done with several approaches: (1) the normative approach drip decline from authoritative sources of Islam (al-Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet), especially the themes of education, and explored so that awakened a system philosophy of education, (2) the philosophical approach diberangkatkan-sect sect's ideas and philosophy in the region was revealed to education; (3) a formal approach with reference to the results of the official decision persyarikatan; (4) historical-filisofis approach is to how to track how praksis education and the concept made by key figures in the Muhammadiyah ago analyzed with the philosophical approach. Style approach to the four selected in this paper, with the show Kyai Dahlan, the founder of Muhammadiyah, as key figures. It is true that he has not formulated philosophical foundations of education but in fact he has a great interest to the study of philosophy or logic, so the level has given way lempang for the formulation of a philosophy of education.

KH Ahmad Dahlan (1868-1923) is a type of man of action already in place so that when the hand is quite a lot of effort is not charity any posts. Therefore, to explore how the philosophical orientation of education Kyai musti more referring to how he build the education system. But a speech last Kyai manuscript titled Living strap to be interesting because it shows explicitly Konsen Kyai of enlightenment through pure intellect and logic philosophy. At least three sentences that describe the key to the high interest in enlightenment Kyai intellect, namely: (1) knowledge is the highest knowledge of the unity of life can be achieved with a critical and open attitude with common sense and practice of truth Istiqomah akali with dasari in the heart of the sacred; (2) intellect is a basic requirement of human life; (3) science or logic mantiq education is highest for the human intellect, which only will be achieved only if people surrender to the guidance of Allah swt.

Kyai Dahlan is a personal search of the intrinsic capture what is implied in the Tafsir al-Manaar so do not even have a Western education background but he was wide open the gates wide-rationality through the teachings of Islam itself, calls for diligence and reject taqlid. He can be said as a "model" of bangkitnya a generation that is the "center" of a movement that rose to the challenges faced by Islamic groups in the form of dropping in the education system and kejumudan understand Islam. Unlike the figures on the national zamannya put more attention on the political and economic issues, Kyai Dahlan subjugate themselves entirely in the field of education. Point in the viewfinder of education in turn mengantarkannya enter the heart of the problem was. Along with the political bergulirnya ethical or political association (since 1901), the expansion is projected as a Dutch school system is a new colonialism in the long term are expected to move the institution Islamic pondok pesantren such. Education in India at that time was split into two: education schools Dutch secular, that is not the teachings related to religion and education in the pesantren, which only teach the teachings related to religion only. Are exposed on the duality of the system (philosophy) of education is Kyai Dahlan "nervous", working hard every effort to integrate, or at least approach that both the education system.

Ideals of education that initiated Kyai Dahlan is the birth of a new human-human is capable of showing as the "intellectual-theologian" or "intellectual-theologian," that is a Muslim who has a firmness of faith and a broad knowledge, strong physical and spiritual. In order to integrate the two systems of education, the Kyai Dahlan perform two actions at once; give religious lessons in schools across the Netherlands that the secular, and establish their own schools in which religious and general knowledge are taught together. Both actions are now a common phenomenon; diakomodir is the first state and the second has been made by other Islamic education foundations. However, the idea of Kyai Dahlan integralistik education model that is capable of giving birth-intellectual Muslim scholars are still in the process of search. Education system integralistik this is the fact that inheritance musti we continue the exploration in accordance with the context of space and time, the problem of engineering education sesau can be changed with the development of science education or psychological development.

In order to ensure sustainability sekolahan that he dirikan the top of the suggestions students Kyai Dahlan end up persyarikatan Muhammadiya 1912. Learning method developed Kyai Dahlan figured through a process of contextual penyadaran. Classic example is when Kyai the letter to al-Ma'un santri-santrinya repeatedly re-santri until it realized that the letter suggests that we pay attention and help poor-poor, and must practice the contents. After santri-santri that the practice is new replaced next letter. It's the spirit that was developed by educators musti Muhammadiyah, namely how to formulate the education system ala al-Ma'un as dipraktekan Kyai Dahlan.

Strangely, inherited by the Muhammadiyah is a technical education, not the ideals of education, not so strange that when there would not accept innovations in education. Innovations in education are considered as bid'ah. In fact, we should catch Kyai Dahlan's spirit is to do the renovation or ethics reform, not the form or ijtihadnya results. Tajdid catch fire, not arangnya. In the context of the search education integralistik produce scholars who are able-intellectual-professional, the idea Abdul Mukti Ali disimak interesting. According to him, the education system and the teaching of Islam in Indonesia is the most good is the education system of the hut system in boarding because diresapi with the religious atmosphere, while the system of teaching the madrasah system / school, he explained madrasah / boarding school in the hut system is a form of teaching Islamic religious education and the best. In the same spirit, later this Islamic schools berpacu to increase the quality of education. One of the latest model of education is a full day school, the school until the afternoon, except in the environment does not Muhammadiyah.

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