Senin, 11 Mei 2009


Philosophy Muhammadiya EDUCATION:

Overview and History Praksis

Mohamad Ali dan Marpuji Ali

Prof. M. Yunan Yusuf, Chairman of the Majlis of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) Muhammadiya Center 2000-2005 period, acapkali orbit discourse "Robohnya School Muhammadiya" to describe how the low average quality and the quality of the Muhammadiyah school. Muhammadiyah Kritisi on education also appear in connection with not tercerminnya Islamic values in the behavior of the school, has not succeeded in pressing educational costs up to the limit bargains, has not been able to create a representative of Islamic culture, have lost their identity, and more cooperative with the press. Many of these critics is not enough just to recast the curriculum, increasing teacher salaries, school building or pengucuran funds. To menyahuti and the problem-the problem must have the courage to dismantle the root of the problems that indeed, that is not available because the orientation of philosophy of education Muhammadiyah and theories of modern education and Islamic. Because sometimes kependidikan sectors of a nation or a people is not caused mainly by the infrastructure of support, but by the concept of mendasarinya.